In an effort to further increase participation and visibility of abstracts submitted, selected ePoster Discussions will take place during Poster Sessions at iPad terminals located throughout the Westin Kierland meeting space. The discussions will be thematic tours of selected electronic posters accompanied by a presenting author.
Here is how your Selected e-Poster Discussion will work. The e-Poster Discussions will be located at select parts of the Westin Kierland meeting space…at distinct iPad terminal, each with large 60” screen monitors (see pictures above). Up to 10 presenters have been selected for each session. You will need to take your presentation in advance to the Speaker Ready Room (Cushing A/B Room…around the corner from the Meeting Registration area). That PDF/image will then be downloaded to an iPad (along with other selected poster images). An SID moderator (who will have been assigned), will interact with the gathered audience as you review the contents of your slide. You will have 3 minutes to discuss your work and then there will be another 3 minutes for Q & A. In addition to presenting your e-Poster, you will still be required to put up a printed copy of the poster. It is suggested that you use a PDF or JPEG image of your physical poster as you presentation slide.